Thursday, April 8, 2010

i love zurich

i love zurich, ursprünglich hochgeladen von Jazzvanmullhouse

snapshot from zurich

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I've passed my audit! Ohmygoosh, i'm so happy. Learned sooo much last time for this moment right now.
Just wanted to tell you this little news.

Now, i'm loking in direction outside. Sun's shining like never yet. Me& my friend, we're going to a little parc with rivers, grasslands and things like that - typical parc acutally (omg i'm too stupid)
Will make some pictures, cause she needs one for her cd cover. Thik's gonna be a nice, sunny-weather day, maybe i'm going to embrown, would be nicenice ;)

xoxo Jasmin
p.s. later i'll post theese pictures certainly ;)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's Spring!

Me and my best friend carmina passed our first holiday day together at her house. Sun shone too crazy. Was the first day in spring,whichsoever you can adive a real springday. Had a great time, will miss carmina. She's going to london this week.

Happy Easter!

...even if it's run out. But never mind. Today, ohmygoosh was such a freaking certifiable day. I awake at 7 a.m, took a shower and hurry up, cause car stayed. We drived to "Uto Kulm". It's a little mountain, top of zurich. There you can see every town around zurich. Okay actually you can see the most famous mountains and things like that of the country, but i forgot my contacts at home haha (for sure with that hype in the morning). Got some pictures, you see. The meals were soo ugly. Promise, i just ate a little salate (and a bunny of chocolate of course haha). Later, okey now the best, we had a breakdown goooooosh! i thought i would be stupid. What nice easter people, never minds. Anyway, i'm well and happy at home, i live! (with this damndamn bunny in my stomach, that's to say training this evening jasmin ooh i love jumping around and perspire)

xoxo jazzminda

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

hello basel

Yesterday, Liz &me, we went to basel to make some pictures. Weather was glorious; Warm (not really warm of course, but for winterdays warm, yes) and sunny. Used this instance for learn more 'bout my new cam, and now - more ore less, yes. We were the whole day in town, our feets were in the end of the day pretty fucked. As a matter of course, with such heels. But how is it going once again? moment; Queens aren't born at top, they climb on heels up ;) or something like that haha. In the evening at home, opened the cardbox of my camera, picked the card in the computer, opened the explorer and what the hell i saw? 875 pictures. 0hmygooosh.

Monday, February 15, 2010


»Der Schein trügt, der Mensch sieht das, was er sehen will ; ein Mädchen im glitzernen Gewand währendessen sich darunter ein scheinbar unsichtbares Wesen versteckt, verletzt, unverstanden, zerbrochen. Ein Theather des Geschreis, ein Hilferuf, doch er schafft es nicht bis hin zur Gesellschaft, das glitzerne Gewand reflexiert alles zurück zum dahergehörigen Ort. Ein niemals endender Zyklus. Eine für immer zerbrochenes Dasein. Doch wen interessierts schon? Ein kleiner Blick jenseits der Aufmerksamkeit und des Reichtums, Niemand.«

15.02.10, Jasmin Wolff

trip back

Last night, I tried to make some pictures with my new cam. Think, don't really have it under control, but this utilize much of time.